August 8, 2019

Updates to Amazon’s FFP Chargebacks


Updates to Amazon’s FFP Chargebacks: the date for chargebacks has been extended to September 3rd, 2019


Updates to Amazon’s FFP Chargebacks: Amazon recently announced that they have postponed the launch of the chargebacks related to its Frustration-Free Packaging (FFP) program due to the large number of submissions of vendors in support to certify their packaging as FFP or SIOC. Vendors that have not already achieved FFP/ SIOC certification will be subject to the chargebacks starting September 3rd, 2019.


How to get certified:

For all companies who are not FFP/ SIOC certified and are interested in avoiding the $1.99 per unit chargeback, EPE USA is officially certified within the APASS network to provide optimized packaging solutions within the FFP/ SIOC guidelines. You can find the list of approved packaging suppliers on Amazon’s sustainability page, or by clicking this link here. If you are fulfilling through Amazon and need to find out if this affects you, please see our previous blog on Amazon’s FFP/ SIOC Requirements. If you are ready to talk to our APASS team to get certified, click here.


Benefits of going through an APASS vendor:

As an APASS member, EPE can help you redesign and test your product packaging to meet Amazon’s Frustration-Free Packaging Requirements without any additional testing from Amazon.

EPE USA is approved to provide everything you need to satisfy the requirements of the program including package design, package testing, packaging supply, and any re-design as needed to certify your product packaging.



Amazon initiated the Frustration-Free Packaging Program with the goal, in part, to reduce the amount of waste associated with traditional packaging. They have set up a system where Amazon associates, customers, and product manufacturers can provide feedback to enhance packaging solutions and improve the overall environmental impact of shipping. Amazon estimates that 20,400 associates participated during the three month pilot of the feedback system, leading to the reduction of 2.2 million packages.

EPE is coordinating directly with Amazon through the APASS network in fulfillment of our commitment to sustainability. Our innovative solutions are specially designed for each product, which allows us to optimize for the lowest amount of packaging materials and least environmental impact. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we utilize materials that are 100% recyclable and offer opportunities for product packaging to be reused in a closed loop packaging recovery solution. Talk to EPE’s APASS team to get your product packaging certified before September 3rd.