February 23, 2018

EPE Joins Forces With Operation Be Kind To Give Back


Operation Be Kind & EPE


EPE Joins Forces With Operation Be Kind To Give Back – We jumped at the opportunity to help Operation Be Kind’s Valentine’s Day mission to package donations for Children’s Hospital of Orange County.  The goal for the Valentine’s Day Mission is to provide the children at CHOC Hospital with a box of kindness, which includes: toys, crayons, pencils, books and other fun goodies for Valentine’s Day. If you’re not familiar with OBK (Operation Be Kind), here is a little about what they do and how they do it.


crayola crayons and play doh


About Operation Be Kind


OBK wants to be a reason someone smiles today and every day. Especially those who are undergoing hardship, health crisis, or just someone who needs a little kindness in their life. They also believe when you are kind, it breaks all barriers and that kindness heals all wounds.


clever valentines day cards


Operation Be Kinds Mission


Each month, they pick a cause to support and fill “Kind Bags” in this case Kind Boxes, with items that are requested by the non-profit/cause.  All items in the Kind Boxes are donations and they’re all assembled by volunteers with a handwritten inspirational message. OBK delivers the Kind Boxes directly to those in need.  It is a humbling moment as each box brings out the brightest smile in each child.  The smallest gestures can make such a difference in their day and we are so happy to be a part of it.


EPE Sustainable Box


Giving back to the community and environment is something we here at EPE USA take very seriously. We are honored to be in a position to help! Thanks again Operation Be Kind for letting us be a part of your mission to spread kindness!


EPE and Operation Be Kind