August 24, 2017

EPE’s Favorite Employee


In honor of National Dog Day on Saturday, August 26, 2017, EPE is taking a moment to recognize one of our fellow employees. He always has a smile to share, is friendly with all fellow colleagues and works for free.




Lou is the EPE USA headquarters office dog. His owner, Brittney Barela, brings him in a better part of the work week. It’s very common for Lou to participate in meetings, say hello around the water cooler—especially since it’s in the kitchen—or simply take a few laps around the office.


We love having an office dog and below are a few reasons why:


Reduced Stress

Dogs can sense when something is wrong even before you do. So, if a dog is approaching you wanting to be pet, it may not entirely be because they want attention; they may be responding to you. Even the best jobs are bound to create stress, which all humans are prone to. Having a tail-wagging, furry friend around stimulates oxytocin levels, which is the hormone that decreases the stress hormone, cortisol.


Boost Productivity & Morale

When people are happy, they are naturally more productive. With stress levels reduced, people are more apt to be engaged and work more effectively. Studies show that a dog’s presence in the office also boosts morale. As a result, more and more Fortune 500 companies are incorporating dogs into their culture.


Socialize Humans

The “man’s best friend” relationship started when human civilization began. It was a natural bond between man and canine who traded protection for hunting. While this is how the relationship started between the two species, companionship quickly evolved. Eventually, dogs retired from the wild and becoming socially domesticated.

Lou Joins the Team in Watching the Eclipse
Lou practices safety before gazing at the eclipse!

Recently, I talked about the lack of human connection in customer service and that happiness is generated through connection. In a world riddled with technology, our canine colleagues seem to be returning the favor and reminding us to socialize. Be it at work, where we’re surrounded by screens or at home, where we’re surrounded by screens!


That’s the power of Lou.


Lou has a way of stopping everything to make everyone smile and interact with one another. This promotes conversation, awareness and sharing ideas, even with those who you may not normally interact with. EPE harnesses a family environment where everyone is welcome to respectfully and intelligently express opinions. This is how we run our business and Lou is a welcome reminder of that each day.


Thank you for all you do, Lou!